May 23, 2010

Back to Reality...

Ugh back to work tomorrow. SMH~

My week off was very eventful. My nephew and I picked up my brother on Monday at about 9:30am. It's very good to have him home. A bit over-whelming at first because we had so much to do to get him adjusted.

Monday- lunch, necessity shopping, hair-cut, clothes and shoes shopping. Not to mention I live in downtown Dallas and my parent's house is like 40 minutes away. So I had lots of driving this week.
Tuesday- we went to the courthouse, the driver's license office, got him a new cell phone, went and visited with one of his friends and just running errands in general then I had to take him back to my parents.
Wednesday- was my day of rest while he ran errands with our cousin. I stayed home all day and slept. Literally did not leave the house, I was physically and mentally exhausted.
Thursday-picked up my brother and nephew and we went to the eye doctor, more shopping, visit a friend, visit family members. My husband took him out that night to a jazz club where some of the family were and I stayed home with my nephew. They stayed over-night this time.
Friday-we had friends over and took my nephew swimming and had lunch at the pool-the sun alone was draining! Then later that evening back to my parents' house where we all stayed the night.
Saturday-was my first 5K and then back home where me and hubby napped. Later that evening we went to dinner and to a movie just the two of us.
Sunday-I'm home alone and enjoying my last day of rest before I go back to the office.

Overall everything went well- lots of driving, lots of shopping and lots of family time. I'm very happy that we were able to help as much as we did because starting from square one with wardrobe, shoes, etc is very daunting! My brother is adjusting well- he's great with his son-very loving and very attentive. My nephew's favorite new word is "daddy" and seeing them together is worth all the work we are putting in. This is still very early on but I think he will be OK :-)

In the upcoming weeks we need to figure out his job situation and transportation. My husband and I are going to help as much as possible without over-extending ourselves because we are still getting ready for IVF in the next few months.

Life is a non-stop ride for us right now and frankly I'm just holding on for dear life! Ow!

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