August 31, 2012

Another Frugal Find!!

Is this piece the higher-end find???
Or is the one below? 
What's your guess? I'm finally finishing up my master bedroom! I had it about 70% complete then I stopped to decorate my nephew's room from the ground up-
Now I'm back into the swing of things and I'm feeling pretty good about it. This pregnancy keeps me tired so accomplishing anything now-a-days is a huge feat!

I bought a 5x8 rug for the end of our bed (partially underneath the bed). I bought two storage ottomans that are a rendition of zebra fabric except the colors are cream and gold-taupe w/ hammer nailed trim. I just purchased one of the mirrored console tables above for underneath my mounted tv. The glass is very clear but I'm going to antique it b/c I have two antiqued mirrored side table on either side  of the bed. My husband is going to antique it for me,b/c I can't due to the fumes.

Next I have to get some lamps, chandelier and a few more throw pillows for our bed. I'll dress the new console table with books, trinkets, etc..
One that's completed the master bedroom will be a done deal (well except for enclosing the side porch off the master...but that's a whole other story)!!! I must say it's shaping up quite nicely and I'm super excited!!!!

So which piece is pricier?  Both tables look exactly the same and have the exact same dimensions. I of course purchased the lower end one b/c I mix high and low end through-out my entire home and if I can find a bargain, I jump on it!!

Now comes the delicate part...telling the hubs! When I inform him of my latest purchase I always show pictures first! Then I tell him I bought the higher end  I eventually tell him the truth and then receive tons of praise for being light on his pockets! It's a win win!!! Happy wife and relieved husband!

August 29, 2012

Debuting Mr. Khyree (my new nephew)

Welcome to the world my brand new nephew Khyree who was born this morning. He is Keyshawn's half-brother (via my brother). He was born this morning in the 9'o clock hour weighing 7lbs and 18 inches in length. I'm at work now but I'll be leaving shortly to meet this new bundle! Welcome to the world Khyree! You'll quickly learn that I'm the coolest.aunt.ever!!!!

Test Results-

Yesterday I received the rest of my test results!!! Everything checked out wonderfully.
My doctor called me last week and told me the following:

Negative for sickle cell trait
My blood type (I couldn't recall)
Iron levels were good
Protein levels
HCG levels

Yesterday she called and told me the results I was most worried about:

Negative Down Syndrome test via Verifi (which is a 100% accurate via blood test)
Negative for Chromosome 13, 18 and 21

You have to take so many tests and have added worries when you get pregnant at 35 and older! It was definitely scary waiting for those results but we trusted in God! I told my hubby when he got home and he breathed a huge sigh of relief and said "oh thank you God". We just hugged then high-fived! Way to go Baby Hill keep up the good work!

August 28, 2012

Put yogurt where?!?! (Another TMI preggo story)

This Saturday I will officially be in my SECOND TRIMESTER!!! Out of the danger zone and hopefully feeling much better. My first trimester has been pretty good except for the last couple of weeks. It seems as if I've been getting every pregnancy symptom I could get. Nausea, headaches, grumpy, emotional, back pain, pregnancy insomia, over-sensitive sniffer, excessive saliva oh and the best so far....a yeast infection (yeah did you know those are common in pregnant women! I didn't)!!

I have just been going through it guys but I'm not complaining  (just sharing) b/c I'm taking every negative as a positive as long as it falls under the possible pregnancy symptoms. However, the "YI" threw me a freaking loop!! I had just finished all the extra meds I was taking from my fertility doctor and I was so excited that it was almost over. Then all of a sudden BAM.....I'm was like WTH I know that's not a yeast infection!!!!! So I called my doctor who was like oh yeah that's totally normal blah blah blah. I asked about medicine and SHE prefers to try to go the natural route..ala oatmeal and epsom salt baths, lots of water, eating yogurt, cheese and cotton undies. So I tried that for like a week in a half and I was totally miserable! I also learned that applying plain yogurt to the area can help soothe b/c of the live cultures. Ummm Hmmmm yeah exactly like it I did that daily for like 4-5 days and it did soothe. Didn't clear it up but did provide some relief but who wants to walk around all day with yogurt in their undies......not this girl!  So after a week in a half of thinking I was going to die of a yeast infection I called my dr back and persuaded her to call in the med. She said some side-effects were unknown and that's what they worried about mostly. So even though they called in the med I still didn't take it for 3-4 more days.

I did a little more research just for my own peace of mind. I spoke to many women who took yeast infection meds while they were pregnant and it was fine. I even asked my "wife" Jocelyn who consulted with the head OB/GYN at John Hopkins who had just had a baby. She recommended taking the med as well. So after suffering for two weeks I took the pill last last night. It came with two pills and you take one and wait for 3 days and if not better you can take the other one. So I'm just waiting for this med to take effect. I'm looking forward to relief and nolmacy again. I mean really, yogurt should on be in your smoothie and on top of fruit NOT your va jay jay!!

August 22, 2012

I'm so NOT ready for Kindergarten...Sniffle.

Had a rough morning today! I think I cried almost non-stop from the time my feet hit the floor at 6am till around 2pm today.

Why, you ask.....Key's first day of kindergarten that's why. LOTS of tears this morning, mostly mine. I just can't believe he's in kindergarten. My mom and I use to talk about how we'd feel on this very day. We would not cry or tear up in front of him...we stand tall!!! We also planned how we would try to stay busy all day, maybe go to breaksfast after and shopping. You know to keep our mind off Key during the day. Then we'd pick him up from school and hit Chuck-E-Cheese or something to celebrate. Still can't believe she's not here for this.

However, like we planned years ago when Key was just an infant, I held it together till I left his classroom. Hope you're proud mom ♥


August 17, 2012

First Prenatal Appointment! (Sono Pic)

Yesterday I had my first prenatal appointment with my new OB. The first thing we did was the sono and they had a big screen monitor mounted on the wall in front of us. I was holding my breathe b/c I was so nervous that the baby may not be there or no heartbeat. I guess I'm just a worry wart and probably b/c I'm a control freak and pregnancy is out of my control. It was another vaginal sono and I was so uncomfortable!! We saw the baby and he/she looked to be dancing. Little arms and legs were just going up and down quickly. The nurse said it was probably involuntary movements from brain development. I asked her was it b/c she was moving the wand that the baby appeared to be dancing? She said no it was not her and she stopped moving the wand completely however the baby was still dancing around. It was so cute! I swear if we put it to music the video would go viral! ha ha

She found two fibroids which will most likely grow with the baby so they will keep an eye on them. I also found out that I may not be able to have a vaginal delivery b/c of them. They are on either side of the baby so it's a chance the baby may not be able to come down the birth canal. I don't really know how I felt about that. I'm not one of those women that HAVE to deliver without meds or HAVE to have a vaginal birth. I just want the baby to get here and be healthy I don't care how he/she arrives. So whatever we have to do, we'll do. However I was shocked to hear that I may not have a choice in the matter....

After the sono I had a full exam and they took like 5 vials of blood for various tests. One was for "Verifi" which is a blood test that detects Down Syndrome at a 100%. The other was for the sickle cell trait (even though we don't have to worry about the baby having sickle cell b/c Tommy is Irish). We just wanted to know if I was a carrier b/c if so the baby could potentially be a carrier as well. We also tested for Cystic Fibrosis and Spinal Muscular Atrophy and some other stuff that I can't remember.

I'm also going to meet with a cardiologist next month b/c heart disease runs in my family and I've been on blood pressure pills since my mom passed. Which means I could be at risk for preclampsia. So I have a lot of results in my future. It takes a few days for most but 8-10 days for the Verifi test. Please keep us in your prayers that the baby is 100% healthy and I have no heart issues.

After the lengthy (about an hr and 15 mins) prenatal appointment we then went for a hospital tour at the hospital we'll deliver at next year. It was a bit overwhelming and scary I must say. We did get to pass the nursery so we saw some newborns which was nice! The delivery rooms were spacious and they also had suites for after delivery which were huge and quite plush. My hubby was all about that! ha ha

So yesterday went well. The baby appeared healthy, measuring corectly, heart beat was 157 bpm and seemed to be right on track. Which was a relief.

Second Sono at 10wks, 6days. We zoomed in on the photo and I promise I could see eyes, nose, mouth and the baby looks to be smiling. I showed my husband and he was like "no I don't see that". I said look closer, then he was like "oh wow I do see right there! I was like see I told ya!! Amazing!

August 14, 2012

Sweet Freedom!!! (disclaimer: a bit of TMI)

This Saturday I will be 11 weeks!! I know I know not quite 3 months yet but it's still a milestone for me!!! Whyyyyyyyyyy you ask?

Well my fertility doctor told me once I hit 11 weeks I can stop taking that God-forsaken Crinone cream, baby aspirin, progesterone pills and my progesterone patches. Oh my sweet baby Jesus, you talk about gaining a sense of freedom back!!! I'm SO excited you guys!!!

  • The baby aspirin are not an issue at all but it's just another pill I have to take. It'll just be nice to get rid of that too.
  • The patches aren't so bad however you change them every 4 days and they tend to itch and sometimes irritate my skin.
  • The pills don't bother me much but you take one orally and one vaginally! The latter is what sucks on the pill side!
  • The Crinone is a vaginal cream and it is the REAL beating!!!! You use it every night and then every three days you're supposed to "clean" it out! Yeah go ahead and give that some thought (not a lot of thought though lol)! Also, when you "administer" the cream it immediately gives me like stomach tinges and minor cramps.

I'm just filled with so much progesterone!! You know it's a wonder I'm still sane and my husband hasn't packed up and took over the guest room! So when I say THANK GOD for my 11th week that is EXACTLY what I mean!!!!! I'm just thrilled!!!!! I will still take my prenatals, iron and blood pressure pills but I can pop those all in the morning and I'm done. No creams, no patches and nothing at night! Gosh I feel a dance-party coming on this Saturday!


August 11, 2012

Found the Dr. who will deliver our baby!

Now I have always had a male doctor who was a General Praticitioner so he did it all, check-ups, papsmears, etc.  He has been my doctor since I was maybe 12. One year I had a pap that came back abnormal and he sent me to a OB/GYN specialist across the street. It was another man and he was super sweet! Both doctors were in Arlington b/c that's where I grew up.

I decided that I didn't want a male doctor for my delivery and I was definitely not delivering in Arlington b/c we live in Dallas now. So I started researching Ob's and hospitals with a Level 3 Nicu in case any problems arose when I delivered. My bestie who I call my "wife" specializes in NICU/PICU and is a Respiratory Therapist for the Anesthesia dept. So she gave me lots of insight and questions to ask when I interviewed the potienial new OB. I called about 4 doctors that I had referrals for and one doctor that I actually saw on TV "A Baby's Story" who happened to be in Dallas.

After researching hospitals w/ Level 3 NICUs the very next day I was watching "A Baby's Story". Unbeknownst to me the sweet doctor with the kind eyes and GREAT personality was a local doctor at one of the hospitals I wanted to deliver at!!! Can you say written in the stars!!!! So I put her on my short list.

July 30th rolled around and I had my first sono and my fertility doctor told me that I had graduated so I knew I had to get on the ball with finding my new doctor.  I called 3 of the doctors on my list and was amazed at how those particular doctor's offices seemed a little put-off about having a consult. I didn't speak to the doctors themselves but their staff was basically like "ummmmmm that's not something we really do". So I was like then we have nothing further to discuss! I called a fourth doctor and they were nice but needed my insurance info which I didn't have yet b/c my husband had just changed jobs. They were like sure we'll do a consult but we need you insurance info first. So I was "ok once I have it I'll call back and set the consult". So last on my list was the doctor from the TV show. I called her office and the staff was wonderfulllllllllllllllllllllllll!!! I spoke to 2 different ladies and just adored them right away!!! They made me feel comfortable and as if my request was normal and not that I was some kind of diva! They set the consult with no problems and no concern about insurance info right away.

So I set a consult for Thursday and went to meet the doctor! OMG she was EVERYTHING I was hoping she'd be!!!!! Her personality was amazing!!! We spoke for 40 minutes and she answered every question I had! She did not rush me, she laughed at my jokes (b/c hey we all know I'm hilarious)!!! It just FELT right!! The vibe was perfect so I went right over to the receptionist and made my first prenatal appointment! I just had the feeling that she was MY doctor!!! I have my first prenatal appt. next Thursday at 2pm and we'll get to see the baby again!!! I'm very excited about that!!! After the appointment we have a hospital tour and I'm very excited about that too! Looks as though things are moving right along!

Extra Tidbit: I'm 10 weeks today and the baby is the size of a prune which is double the size it was last week just AMAZING!

August 5, 2012

Pictures- First Sono, Pregnancy Tests, Embryos

The two embryos that were transferred back into me on June 21st. My doctor said that the darkness and puffiness shows that they are strong and thriving very well outside of me which is a great sign. They survived 5 days outside of my body once they were fertilized. I tell ya science is AMAZING!

Starting from the bottom: My first positive pregnancy test 6 days after my transfer. My second line was faint but it was there!!! Lots of crying that morning!! Never in my life have I had a positive pregnancy test! My second positive pregnancy test was much darker 8 days after my transfer. Then I took another pregnancy test when I was 6wks/4days while waiting on my first sono, just to make sure my levels were still there.

July 30th Our very first sono! I was 8wks and 2 days! Our first sono was originally suppose to be on July 23rd but my hubby was out of town so we pushed it back a week! God that was so hard for me to do!
This little guy or girl was wigging around and the heartbeat was 178 beats per minute. Super fast like a freight train. It was a beautiful sight for our eyes to see after 4 long years on this journey. I still can't believe we are finally pregnant! It's so surreal but we are over-joyed! God is AWESOME!