July 23, 2010

Hubby Coming Home for A Week!! Score!

Hubby comes home today for a week! Woo-hoo
He has to take care of some things at his facility here then high-tail it back to the East Coast. It's going to be great to see him so soon after my visit to NY and to be in our own space. I know he has missed home and the family so it will be good to get in some QT and just veg-out when he's not at the office.

Moving on....

I need some prayer guys! Lord my running this month has been non-existence. I have no excuse just lack of motivation. I've just been feeling BLAH and then when I went to NY I made it a point to take my work-out clothes and still NOTHINGGGGGGGGGGG! Ugh I feel horrible. I hope next week the freaking last week of July I can get in a few miles. It will still be a horrible monthly tally regardless if I run everyday! UGH

I definitely have to turn it around in August and I know I will b/c I leave my firm next Friday the 30th instead of 2 months from then. So I will have plenty of time to work-out and be active which is EXACTLY what I plan to do. I have a lot to think about as to what I'm going to be doing with my new found freedom. I'll still be on call since technically I'm a salaried employee till the end of the year but it will be very sporadic when I do come in.

So much is going through my mind--I want to join a running club and get back to creating my art and branch out a bit artistically. I'm very excited about that. I also want to do a boot-camp and some classes at a gym like spinning or aerobics. Oh and I'll get my nephew for a week or two this summer so he can run me bananas with swimming and the park, etc.

I'm just looking forward to not having to be somewhere at a certain time everyday. If I get bored I'll go back to Corporate America but I don't see that happening anytime soon...

July 19, 2010

Back from NY! Welcome Home Me!

I'm so glad to be back home! Departing was bitter-sweet due to the fact I was leaving and hubby was staying. As they say: "Parting is such sweet sorrow".

After my days of relaxing in NJ while hubby worked at night I was very excited to get back to the city for my final day out. We went to the Guggenheim, The MET, had lunch, did some shopping and had a peak at Central Park. The museums were exquisite! I can't wait to go back so I can see the MOMA, The Whitney and the Natural Museum of Science. I saw a lot while on my vacay but I still have so much to see on my next visit.

Must-sees when I return: Central Park (the full experience), Yankee Stadium, Harlem, Chinatown, Canal Street, Ground Zero, etc. Oh and I of course want to see another Broadway play. I hope "In the Heights" is still playing when I return. I heard it was wonderful.

Revelation: I didn't enjoy it at the time but I'm glad I did all the public transportation/walking it really made me feel so New York ya know. Just beating the pavement and figuring out my way (with the hubs of course). That is just not the culture here in Texas b/c everyone has a car and everyone drives. So learning to be on someone else's time (cabbies) and the train schedules, etc. I'm not a patient person so I had to learn to go with the flow. I think I learned by my last day! lol

Our final day in NY was great! Just being with my husband, walking, talking and holding hands was indulgent. Funny how all the little things are so vivid when you know it's coming to an end.

I'm looking forward to my return this fall. I plan to go back in October after I've stopped working so I'm not on time constraints. Tommy is coming home in August for a few days and maybe for a weekend in September. His company worked out a plan for everyone to alternate going home for a few days so that was nice. He misses home already too so I know he is happy to come back even if only for a few days.

I had a wonderful trip-it was great to see my husband and NY is a entirely new culture for a Texan but I could love it :-)

July 13, 2010

More New York Pictures






July 12, 2010

New York so far....

I arrived last Thursday at 6:00pm. My flights were good (even though I do not like to fly- AT ALL). Seeing my husband was wonderful just to be able to touch him and have him hold me made those flights worth while!

Thursday- we made it to the hotel around 8:15 due to all the traffic. I showered, we ordered dinner in and didn't leave the room. (INSERT LOTSSSSSSSSS OF DIRTY MUSIC HERE- BOM CHICKA WON WON)!! LOL

Friday- was my actual birthday and once my hubby woke up he pulled a beautiful card from the bedside table and a beautifully wrapped gift ( a blouse for dinner that evening). We went into Hoboken (a boro of NJ) via train to have lunch at the Brass Rail. The food was wonderful! Then we walked around the town a little bit and to the park. Hoboken is a very cute little area- urban and quaint with plenty of boutiques and restaurants. Once we left there we hit the train station to head into the city for the day. New York is beautiful and veryyyyyyy busy in every way!! We took in the sights, went into a lot of shops and I did some shopping (duh of course)!!! Later that evening hubby surprised me with a dinner cruise that also took us to view the Statue of Liberty. She was beautiful up-close and shining by the moon lite, it was very romantic. A lovely ending to a lovely day.

Saturday- We slept in late, ate in, napped, watched movies and just enjoyed some quiet time. Due to the train into the city and the time gaps we had to leave around 5:00 to start into town for a 6:15 dinner reservation at Haru. Dinner was absolutely AMAZING!!!!!!! We were both in heaven! Dinner was very romantic a perfect prelude to the theater. We walked to the theater after dinner which was right around the corner, it was a very quaint theater smaller than what we expected but still lovely. It made me think of all the people that sat in those seats before me all those years. The play "Memphis" was absolutely amazingggggggggggggggggg!!! I had tears by the end of the first act. It was so touching and just fabulous in every way! I would totally recommend it. After the theater we hit Time Square and then popped into a bar for drinks. Time Square was crazy!!! So many people and so much going on-it was a cool experience.

Sunday- We went to Brooklyn to meet up with a girlfriend, her hubby and their gorgeous 5-month old twin boys! We had a very good time with them. We went to the Brooklyn zoo which was very interactive and quaint...very greeeen! Then we went to a Jamaican restaurant called Sugarcane. It was a nice day out and seeing those twin boys was great. It really made me want twins. I know it's a lot of work but those little faces and just the joy on their faces (the parents) was so comforting. Comforting to know it's hard but to see it's so worth it.

Now it's Monday and this starts a few days of relaxing and NOT going into the city! Thank God! lol What I have learned so far is that I'm definitely a Southern Girl! All this catching trains, cabs and walking is cool for a New York minute (pun intended) but there are certain things that I require that just aren't native to these parts! IE: GRASS, MY OWN DANG CAR, UMMM PERSONAL SPACE, ETC! LOL I just found that I REALLY do not care for getting dolled up and then waiting out into the elements for transportation. Being a woman requires me to feel sexy when going out on the town with my husband. Not feeling totally gross from walking in the heat in 5-inch stilettos, a dress with full hair and make-up! Oh and my absolute fav -- walking into a hot subway station that reeks of urine! It's an experience to say the least. I'm aware that this extended travel was due to the fact that we were coming in from a suburb and the trains didn't run as often as we required. Needless to say I'm looking forward to not traveling for a few days! My husband works night starting tonight until Thursday. So I'm on my own and I have planned to sleep, work-out and read! Oh yea baby a lot of nothing which is what I need when on vacation b/c I like to return to my normal day to day feeling rested! Basically all and all NY is great to visit, NJ is cute for visiting as well but I definitely prefer Texas! However I'll go to any state/country with my husband for any reason. I love experiencing new things and going new places with him but there is definitely no place like home! (to be continued...)

July 7, 2010

I get to check TWO things off my "Diva List"!! Score!

Nails- CHECK

New York here I come! I'm soooooooooooo ready to go! Woot! My bags are already packed and in the SUV b/c after work today I have a cocktail hour with my firm then I'm off to my parents' to spend the night. I have to spend some QT with the fam and of course love on my freaking adorable nephew before I depart for 10 days! My brother is taking me to the airport at 9:45 in the morning and then I'll be in my husband's arms by that evening. Awwwwwwwwwwwww I can't wait!

Oh and my theater tickets came via FedEx today so I'm all set!! In the anticipation of seeing my husband I kind of forgot that I'm turning 33 on Friday! WTH! I mean I knew I had a b-day but I never actually thought about the getting a year older part! Smh-

Well I can say 32 has been a good year....I learned to run, starting taking my body back, had a surgery to further diagnose my fertility issues, met a new bestie and my brother came home!! All and all I've learned a lot this year. I still have the most perfect husband and my life in general (beside the infertility part) is pretty fabulous!

I can't wait to see what 33 holds! God is Good!

(Side-bar: I realized I get to check off going to NY and seeing a broadway play from my Diva list! Gosh I love checking things off!! Woot!)

July 6, 2010

Almost there!!!

I leave for NY on Thursday morning to see my love! Flight leaves at 11:45 and I'll make it there right before 6:30 (due to lay-over). I'm sooooooooooo excited to see my husband I literally do not know what to do with myself! He has always went on business trips but since we have been married they aren't over 3 or 4 days and they are like 4 times a year if that. Now when we were dating and he lived in Cleveland he traveled a lot but we'd still see each other often. I think the longest we were apart was like 2-3 weeks one time but that was over 4 yrs ago. So this is something new and it cracks me up b/c yesterday just made a full week! However, it seems like he's been gone a month! lol

So I'm looking forward to seeing him daily for 10 glorious days! It will be a great vacation just to be with him. He will be off for the weekend when I get there and then he goes back to working late nights so I will have a lot of free time to explore on my own. Definitely going to take this time to be adventurous! We normally do a big vacay every year and I guess by circumstance that NY will be that trip this year! So we are going to make the best of it!

I started packing yesterday and it is so hard to scale back! Trying not to take so many pairs of shoes and purses, etc.... Being a woman is hard work!

Today officially starts the beautifying process (i.e. nails, pedi, waxing). Tomorrow is hair. Awwwwwwww the joys of being a woman! ha ha

I suppose that saying about distance making the heart grow fonder is accurate b/c I miss everything about my husband even his snoring and talking to the TV :-)

2 more days till I see my love!!! I'm a HAPPY chick! Woot!!!

July 1, 2010


I didn't get my 2nd official 5K in for the month (on the 26th) b/c the hubs and I partied too hard the night before with our friends! UGH! Don't know if I'll get in more than one official run for July either since I'll be out of town 2 weekends this month. Either way I'll still be running on my trusty treadmill. My run summary for May was 47.41 miles and June was 29.80 miles!! WTH! Almost an 18 miles difference in the wrong direction! SMH! I have to do better this month! UGH

Good News: I bought my ticket for NY!! Woot! I'll be there from the 8-17! I also purchased tickets for the Broadway show "Memphis". So that will be two things I can knock off my "Diva List" (aka bucket list)!!! I'm super stoked about that.

It's July 1st so I can finally officially say I'll start the IVF process next month!! How's that for a nail-biter! OMG!

HUB UPDATE: The hubs is doing fine is NY-just super duper busy and tired b/c he is working crazy hours and doesn't sleep well when not in his own environment. We talk numerous times a day so right now I'm doing pretty good. I had a rough day Monday and night...cried myself to sleep but I've been fine since then. I guess I just needed a moment to adjust. It's not like he doesn't go on business trips but I guess it's so different b/c I know he is not coming back anytime soon.

Heading to the mall today for new stilettos and something super sexy to take to NY!! Looking forward to my birthday/vacation!!! I need it!