February 16, 2015

Sometimes you just have to LET GO AND LET GOD...

So once again my nephew is no longer living with us. This time it's final-
It's just too much drama and with all the moving parts of a combined THREE different household structures, it's just time for me to bow out.

I'll always love my nephew more like a parent than an aunt but what can you expect after 8 years of thinking of him as my own.  With that being said I'm moving on and establishing my new role as "just auntie" instead of "auntie-mom"!  It was a HARDDDDDD decision but I believe it's time to cut the safety net and let his parents figure it out.  Hopefully the seeds we've planted will stay with him a life-time.  He'll always be auntie's baby but as of February 2, 2015, auntie-mom has left the building.

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