October 29, 2016

What I'm feeling right now-

A lot of tinges and most nights I have a stomach ache-
I'm taking it as a good sign. I recall having the same type of tinges and sharp pains with Avery-Harper. Also the other day I got a wee bit dizzy! I didn't really think about it until I read a post from another recent transferee today in the IVF group. Again I'm taking that as a good sign.

Found this cool timeline of what's going on inside of me right now-


Days past transfer  Embryo Development
1The embryo continues to grow from a 6-8 cell embryo into a morula (16-64 cells)
2The cells of the morula continue to divide, developing into a blastocyst (70-100 cells)
3The blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell  
4The blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus
5The blastocyst attaches deeper into the uterine lining, beginning implantation  
6Implantation continues 
7Implantation is complete, cells that will eventually become the placenta and fetal cells begin to develop  
8Placenta cells secrete human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) into the blood stream  
9Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted 
10Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted 
11Levels of hCG are now high enough to detect a pregnancy on HPT.
GO TEST!! (if you haven't already...)


October 26, 2016

Transfer was yesterday-

My oh my what a day it was! Well due to the fact that I misread an email, all yesterday morning I was expecting a call to let me know whether the embryos survived the thaw.

If you recall in 2014 I got to this point at the end of my FET and two hours before my transfer I received a call that my one and only embryo didn't survive the thaw. Devastated would be an understatement.

So needless to say I was waiting on pins and needles all morning for a phone call. By 11am I still hadn't received it and thawing began at 9am per my email. I was a nervous freaking wreck. However I proceeded forward with my plans of taking my daughter to ballet and my friend was meeting is there to watch her and take her to play until we were back home.

By 11:20 I couldn't handle anymore! I didn't want to call bc I remember not hearing anything the last time so I called and was told they'd call if there was a problem. Minutes later the call I received was devastating.

Nevertheless I called anyway. Spoke to my nurse and was like NO ONE HAS CALLED ME! I'm set to be there in an hour!!!! She was like no news is good news!!! 😳😳 Then she says wait here comes an embryologist so I'll ask to make sure. She did and everything was a go! I swear I immediately became 50lbs lighter!!!!! SO RELIEVED!!!!

So we went up there. The doctor said everything looked great. One embryo lost a few cells but it had so many to start with that we were fine. He said hey we're rated A's and that I was at a 1 for easiness on the transfer scale bc my uterus was easily accessible. It was quick and painless like I remembered and I was tilted upward after for about 20 minutes. These next few days I'll be resting. I'm so relived to have gotten this far.

I'm officially PUPO ( pregnant until proven otherwise) lol
I have a blood test on November 7th but I'll probably test before then so I can be emotionally prepared. Thank you God for getting us this far! Praying I can give my baby girl healthy sibling(s)!

October 19, 2016

Transfer here I come!!

Just leaving my dr everything looks good! He wanted my lining to at least be at 7.5 and it was at 14.51!!!! My transfer is next Tuesday (10/25) at noon! Then I'll be on bed rest a couple of days-

Praying these beans stick!!!

October 9, 2016

My FET drugs

FET drugs-
Let's see for now I'm taking Estradiol twice a day and wearing an progesterone patch which I change every 3 days.

I also have Progesterone Cream, progesterone pills, antibiotic and Medrol which I'll take later in the protocol-

In addition to those prescribed meds I take one baby aspirin once a day and blood pressure pills twice a day.

 All my meds
 All my meds
Minivelle Patch

October 5, 2016


I'm so excited I'm near tears! Damn emotions😒
FET prep has officially started today! Went in for my baseline sono this morning and received my med chart-

Started my estradiol and estrogen patch today.
I still had Endometrin (Crinone), progesterone pills (prometrium) and medrol left over from my fresh cycle meds which I'll take later in this FET protocol.  I had to also purchase doxycycline to start later as well. I will be continuing with my baby aspirin and prenatals daily.

Tentative transfer date is October 25th!

October 3, 2016

Time to get started!

Well my cycle came two days earlier than I thought it would! Called my dr today and they want me to come in Wednesday morning for my baseline sono! I'll also start my meds that day! I'm so excited! Transfer should be at the end of the month!

I was told I'd be on progesterone pills and progesterone patches. Plus continue taking my prenatals and baby aspirin of course. I'm so ready!