September 27, 2016

Endo Scratch Completed

Well I had my Endometrin Scratch yesterday and it was not pleasant.
It was highly uncomfortable but quick like 5 minutes or so-
I came home right after and pretty much stayed in bed all day. Enjoyed a nap and just took it easy. I had light bleeding which ceased within an hour or so-
I understand why they don't put you under for something like that but at the same time it was really uncomfortable, intimidating and I found it hard to relax.
I'm just glad it's over! Now I'm just waiting until my cycle starts and then I go back to the doctor on cycle day3 for a baseline check and I'll start my progesterone and progesterone patches! I'm so excited to move forward-

September 13, 2016

Estimated Infertility Tally-

I'm trying to keep a running tally of everything we've paid for during this infertility journey.
I'm thinking from 2009-date we've spent about 50k over 8 years. That includes doctor visits, IVF fees, meds for 3 cycles (2 fresh IVF and 1 FET), 2 failed IUIs, 3 surgical procedures (laposcrophy, polypectomy and  hysteroscopy), 1 IVF (successful), 1 failed FET (embryo didn't survive the thaw) and 2 Endometrin scratches.

That also includes this process of our 2nd fresh IVF where we added ICSI.

September 10, 2016

Endometrin Scratch Date Set

Endo scratch is set for 9/26/16 at 11am-
No anesthesia and it should only take about 5 minutes then I'm out the door!
So excited....

September 5, 2016

AF has arrived-

Well 12 days after my egg retrieval my cycle finally started this morning-Now I get to call my doctor tomorrow to see when I do my endo scratch. I'm glad to moving forward. I was wondering how long it would take to start. It's really hard not to be anxious. I'm just ready to have my transfer so I can finally have a resolution soon-

Endo Scratch Anyone?

I've decided to get an Endometrin Scratch before my October transfer in hopes that it will increase my chances for a successful embryo(s) implantation. During my first IVF (for Avery-Harper) they found a polyp during my trial transfer so I had a polypectomy weeks before my transfer. My doctor said he'd go ahead and do an endo-scratch while he was in there in hopes that the tackiness that occurs when it heals would help with implantation. Now I have no way of knowing if it did but I figured why not try again. I want to do everything I can to increase my chances bc this is it! I'm praying so hard that I'm able to give Avery-Harper a healthy sibling or siblings. I don't want to have any regrets this last go round.

Best described as being similar to a smear test, an endometrial scratch involves a quick scrape of your womb lining at a certain point in your cycle. The promising research suggests it could improve embryo implantation, especially if you’ve had failed IVF attempts before. You can have a scratch before fertility treatment with your own eggs, donor eggs or frozen embryos.
How does it work? Well, endometrial scratching seems to provoke a reaction within the inner lining of the womb. Hormones and chemicals are released to help the lining repair itself. A genetic trigger response to an endometrial scratch may give the implantation ‘green light’. In essence, the temporary injury seems to make the endometrium more receptive to an embryo. That means a better chance of a pregnancy and a live birth.