October 20, 2013

Avery-Harper's 6 month Photo Shoot


These were taken on 8/31/13 for Avery-Harper's 6 month photo shoot. She did so good this day! I did another "pearl" picture to pay homage to my mom just as I did in her newborn photos. I also did a picture of her in my heels. That was a play on the many pictures my mom took of me in her heels as a child. I can't believe how my little girl is growing!

October 12, 2013

You're a stay-at-home mom? So what do you DO all day?

OMG what a fabulous article!!! I can't tell you how many times I've been asked this same question! How many times I've had to "read" some fool for inquiring about my household! Ha! Frankly, when I'm ready to rest, I'll go back to work! I had much more free time when I was working outside the home! I could lunch daily, go to hair or nail appointments, decide to come in late or leave early and take breaks whenever I needed a little "me time". I definitely do not get that now that I'm home with my daughter! This is by far the most exhausting, rewarding, stressful, wonderful and emotionally driven job I've ever had. There is no salary but I'm richer now than I've ever been! Most importantly I LOVE MY JOB!

My hubby and I made the decision long before we had a child that I'd stay home to raise our
child(ren). It means less vacations, less extravagant restaurants and wayyyy less shopping for me!  However I wouldn't trade it! My daughter is my world and being home with her is an honor.

I get that we don't live in the 50's anymore so this is now taboo. However we aren't trying to keep up with the Joneses, we trying to keep up and raise Avery-Harper. I don't judge moms who work outside their homes so they need not judge me for working inside mine.


My Silly Busy Leg-warmer Wearing Girl

On this particular day Avery-Harper was all over the place! She wouldn't let me cook or put up the groceries because she wanted to play. If I started to do something she'd pull up on my legs. Now that wouldn't be an issue if she wasn't so wobbly. So finally I just gave up, sat on the kitchen floor and watched her explore! Sometimes you just have to enjoy the chaos and come to terms that most things will not get accomplished today!

6 Years of Marital Bliss!

Our 6 year wedding anniversary was on September 21st so yes this is yet another LATE post. However I still wanted to acknowledge it!

My FB/Instagram post from that day:
6 years ago today I married my best friend! Together we've grown, conquered, cried and laughed so hard we ached the next morning! Our latest chapter as parents has been a real blessing. I would not have ever thought of becoming a mother if not for you. Thank you for being the greatest man I've ever known. Avery-Harper and I love you beyond words! Happy Anniversary My Love!

First Day of Fall Picture

This picture is a few weeks old but I took it on the first day of Fall (9/22/13). My sister-in-law made these for us before the baby was born and I COULD NOT WAIT to take this picture! Yes I'm totally THAT mom! Mommy and Me matching slippers now how AMAZEBALLS is that?! LOVE!!!!

Avery-Harper Updates

Geez raising a 7.5 month old and blogging is HARD work! I'm exhausted most times so I'm really sucking at making time for writing! So let me jump right to it!

Avery-Harper is doing AWESOME! She's healthy, happy and beautiful! She's crawling, pulling up and occasionally standing. She very vocal and really expressive with her facial expressions. She gives kisses, hugs and is starting to reach for whom she wants. She is still a very happy and outgoing baby. She never meets a stranger and will give a HUGE smile to anyone who looks her way! We are madly in love with this child! It's sickening really! ha ha